Your pressure cleaning specialists.


Don’t Pay To Much For Your Commercial Pressure Cleaning in Brisbane

So you’re a big company and you want external pressure cleaning done.
Your first response is to call a cleaning company. You search for cleaning companies online with the best reviews in your area.

You get a few quotes then approve the work to be done.

What you don’t realise is you’ve really just hired a chain of companies to fulfill one simple task.

What do I mean by this?

The fact is, it’s likely that you contacted a commercial cleaning or maintenance company to quote and do the work and these companies either specialise in internal cleaning or maintenance NOT external pressure cleaning, so they then go on and find an external pressure cleaning company to do the actual work.

In some instances we have been the THIRD down the line with two companies ahead of us putting their percentage on top of our quoted price.

So the $5 000.00 we’ve quoted for the external clean becomes a $15 000.00 clean after each company adds their cut on and you’re left scratching your head because they were only onsite for a couple of days then this is exactly what happened.

And it happens constantly.

It’s time to wise up to the over inflated pricing and start dealing directly with external pressure cleaners, because let’s face it you don’t call a plasterer to do your painting.
Have a think about the huge difference in equipment the two cleaning industries use and the type of cleaning involved, it’s plain old common sense.

Any reputable external pressure cleaning company will have all the right equipment, experience, knowledge, insurances, certfications, inductions and WH&S in order and should be able to provide scope of works and SWMS once a job has been approved.


Car Park Pressure Cleaner in Brisbane.

Sometimes, nothing can be as frustrating as a vigorous and rigorous yet fruitless attempt to clean up grease, oil, chewing gums, mould, grime and other stubborn stains and dirt accumulated over time from your car park. Some of this nasty grime will both make an eyesore of your car park and may cause serious damage or create hazards to anyone using the car park.

The good news is you can get that neat and clean car park you’ve always desired at very reasonable rates. You can always count on MLK Pressure Cleaning for an effective way to clean up your car park in Brisbane. All our excellent and uniquely designed cleaning programs are well tailored to offer you the best car parks in Brisbane regarding cleanliness and neatness, all under environmentally friendly conditions.

Pressure Cleaning Brisbane

Our powerful pressure cleaning services are second to none in Brisbane. High-pressure water cleaning (hot or cold) are used to get rid of mold, mud, chewing gums and all other dirts and stains from any surface effectively without causing the surface any harm or damage.

With knowledge obtained from years of experience, we understand just when and how to perfectly use the hot or cold high pressure cleaning.

Concrete Cleaning

MKL Professional pressure cleaners - domestic solutionsCleaning up concrete may prove to be a tough one, especially if it is covered with grease, oil, chewing gums, mould, grime and other stubborn stains and dirt, then allowed to build-up over time. While paying immersed attention to every mute detail, MLK Pressure Cleaning offers profitability and efficiency in cleaning your concrete surfaces with a professional touch that will ensure the longevity and maintains the cleanliness, neatness and beautiful appearance. We got the best team of technicians at your service to design and provide the best quality services whenever you need us.

Why Trust Us?

You can trust us because:

1. We’ve got the experience. We have cleaned car parks up to 30000sq metres.

2. We’ve got certified specialist operators and contractors.

3. We pay immersed attention to every minute detail.

4. Fully insured 20 mil public liability

5. Follow all safety requirements on our SWMS

With over 19 years of experience, we can make of having one of the best Pressure Cleaning companies in Brisbane.

One of our recent contracts was hot water pressure cleaning a car park at a major shopping centre in Logan City. We were contracted by FKG Group to help refurb a 30000sq metre car park. It included cleaning of all walls, soffits, columns, overhead pipes and floors. All oil spots were degreased and hot water pressure cleaned as well as thousands of spots of chewing gum were removed. The job was done at night in order to not to inconvenience the shoppers and insure their safety.

So phone/email on any day or at any time and let our certified specialists, who are eager to serve, attend to your car park with a professional touch that will leave your car park a wonder to behold.


5 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Pressure Cleaning Company in Brisbane 

professional using pressure cleaning to clean domestic bricks - MKL Pressure cleanersNo matter the strength of your products and elbow grease, you will rarely come close to seeing the results that a pressure wash will yield. Over time dirty, gunk and oil build up every surface, from concrete driveways and footpaths, to the exterior of your home and roof. To effectively and safely remove grime and set in stains you really need to hire a professional contractor.

But how do you know that they’re really the best?

Pressure cleaning can work magic on dirty surfaces. However, in the wrong hands mild to sever damage can be caused.

Choosing the right pressure cleaning company is essential. Here are five simple question to ask every contractor before you make your decision.

1. Are They Insured?

Pressure cleaning can be dangerous, for both the operator and the area being cleaned. The equipment can be very powerful which is risky for the operator. While the wrong chemical concentration or pressure level can damage the surface.

All professional pressure cleaners should have liability insurance at the very least. Insurance is assurance that should something go wrong on the account of poor operation, you wont be the one to foot the bill.

Naturally, however, you don’t want something to go wrong in the first place. So while insurance offers a peace of mind, you want to know that it is unlikely to happen in the first place. That’s why the following questions are important.

2. How Much Experience Do They Have?

As with everything, the more experience the better. But just how much experience is reliable? Ideally, you will hire the operator with upwards of 10years experience. However, around 5years is okay too.

Pressure cleaning isn’t always an exact science. Operators need to know how their equipment works, how their chemicals work, and how they work together on the differing surfaces they face.

Should a pressure cleaner use the wrong level of pressure, too much, or the wrong chemical on your home or commercial building then damage to the surface can occur. For external surface, the outer layer of paint is specially formulated to protect the material underneath. Should a pressure cleaner use too much stripping chemicals or too high pressure they will damage this layer. Ultimately, exposing the outer structure to weather and damage.

3. What’s Their Pressue Cleaning Process?

There are some standards to pressure cleaning, some best practices which achieve the best results. However, that doesn’t mean every operator uses the same practice rules.

There is nothing inherently wrong with using an alternative method. Perhaps for the chemicals they use this process achieves the best results.

Taking a moment to ask exactly how they do what they do will give you an understanding of what to expect.

You can also use this information to compare the different companies you speak to.

4. Chemicals

Some pressure cleaners say their magic is in the chemicals they use. This may very well be true.

Knowing what chemicals they will use, is much like knowing their process. It is simply a means to arm you with the most information to make an informed decision.

Should you have any aversions to certain chemicals this is the time to ask about them, or find out why they choose to use the. Or to see if they offer any alternatives.

5. Guarantee

Last but not least, do they guarantee their work? This is the final seal of assurance, a token offering for your peace of mind. Knowing that they believe in their work, and you should too.

A guarantee is a sign of confidence, and ultimately that is what you need. A company is sure they have the experience and knowledge to tackle any job you give them.

Professional pressure cleaners can bring almost any surface back to life. From domestic house exteriors, roofs and driveways, to commercial properties, and tennis courts. Finding the right one, however, can take diligence.

Shop around, ask the above questions and compare the competition. The team at MKL are confident they will not just meet but beat your expectations. With 19years experience and testimonials from new and loyal customers, they are Brisbane’s favourite pressure cleaners.

The Benefits of Tennis Court Cleaning

Most people don’t realize this but proper maintenance of tennis court is just as important to a quality game as having the right person to play against or the right racquet. The right net and play surface makes for an ideal ensemble to play tennis. But like everything else in the world, it requires some work to keep it looking great and to ensure that it provides you with a great area to play the game.


An Introduction to Concrete Cleaning

Many people are disgusted with the state of their driveways and concrete surfaces. Many would like them to look cleaner though finding time to do so on a tight schedule can be hard. If this sounds like you, then a concrete cleaning service may be what you need. Using a pressure cleaning service can make your driveways look like they have just been freshly laid. But before you start cleaning, you need to know a little bit about it.


The Benefits of Pressure Cleaning

If you’re struggling to get rid of the soot, grime and dirt that have accumulated on your walls or windows but you aren’t getting anywhere, then consider hiring a professional pressure cleaning service to do the job for you.  An expert can take special care of providing you with domestic or commercial pressure cleaning services while ensuring the safety of the people around them and their personal belongings and/or equipment.

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