Your pressure cleaning specialists.

An Introduction to Concrete Cleaning

Many people are disgusted with the state of their driveways and concrete surfaces. Many would like them to look cleaner though finding time to do so on a tight schedule can be hard. If this sounds like you, then a concrete cleaning service may be what you need. Using a pressure cleaning service can make your driveways look like they have just been freshly laid. But before you start cleaning, you need to know a little bit about it.

There are three main levels of concrete cleaning that most concrete cleaning company’s use:

1. General or Light Cleaning

This basic level of concrete cleaning requires a stiff brush, and some mild detergent. The detergent is used to get the dirt away from the surface. If the grim is particularly tough, then you can use a stronger soap. Using added bleach can also get tough grime out.

2. Pressure Cleaners or Power Washing

If using a brush just isn't getting the job done for your driveways or other concrete services, then you need pressure cleaners. A company that specialises in this type of cleaning can select the correct type of power washer for the job.

Experts will usually use a pressure cleaner that runs at around 4,000 psi, and around 15 litres/minute. This is the efficiency required to really get the grime off. When used with a flat surface rotary cleaner, it is extremely effective. Cold water is generally more effective that using hot water.

3. Concrete Cleaning With Chemicals

This is really only for extreme grime, and probably shouldn't be used by a standard cleaner. A professional will know when to use these chemicals. If you do decide to go it alone, always make sure you read the instructions, and wear the correct safety equipment. Always hire a professional.

Within chemical cleaning there are several chemicals that are used for sealing. If your concrete surfaces haven't yet been sealed, then there are a couple of options.

De Greaser: There are several different options on the market. They work by softening the dirt, then lifting away the substances that reduce the appearance of the concrete.

Acid Etching: This is used primarily when there are deep stains on the driveway. If you choose to go own this route then you must hire a professional. The professional will use some diluted hydrochloric acid which will clean the toughest stains, and make your concrete surface look fantastic.

Again, hiring a professional is recommended highly for those that choose to use chemicals. In many areas, you cannot drain the chemical after-remains. This means that special arrangements are needed, which can only be provided by expert cleaning professionals.

When it comes down to it. You could certainly give it a go yourself. But using a pressure washer when you are not an expert is not advisable, and if you choose to use chemicals, then you really should consult a professional.

An expert will get the job done more efficiently and effectively than you could manage on your own. You can find many cleaning companies online, and you can even find reviews. So look for a trusted local company that specialises in concrete cleaning today and save yourself some hassle.

About MKL Pressure Cleaning

MKL Pressure Cleaning is a family owned and operated business with 19 years experience in the pressure cleaning industry.
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